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Friday Photos: Our Workspaces

December 3, 2010

I thought it might be a nice change of pace this Friday to give you a sneak peek behind the scenes at our workspaces.  We all agreed that photos of our desks were not allowed–who wants to see photos of stacks of papers?!  But we all keep small collections of objects at our desks–either for inspiration or as mementos of tours and programs–and I visited each of my colleagues to snap photos of their collections.  I hope you enjoy your tour of our workspaces.

Shannon Karol
Coordinator of Museum Visits

The wall behind my desk is decorated with posters, art projects, and a PhotoShopped image of the 2005-2006 McDermott Intern class in the Gothic Bed.

Nicole’s desk contains a rotating gallery of inspiration.

Melissa’s desk boasts a poem written by Will Richey, a Venn Diagram comparing Melissa and Amy C., and her screen from our screenprinting retreat.

Amy C.’s desk is a gallery of artworks collected from various community festivals.

Jenny loves the Muppets and has a box of Muppets at her desk.


Amy W. recently found a box full of plastic animals and has set up a parade by her phone.

Karen has an “inspiration corner” with photos, artwork, and quotations.

Ashley always keeps tea and a mug at her desk.

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